Nossa proposta é o desenvolvimento de ilustrações e padronagens para diferentes superfícies e de acordo com diferentes materiais, tais como: tecidos, plástico, papel, papelão, etc. O mercado alvo é principalmente a área têxtil, vestuário e design de interiores.
Our pourpouse is the development of illustrations and patterns for different surfaces and according to different materials such as: fabrics, plastic, paper, cardboard, etc. The target market is mainly the textile area, clothing and interior design.
Our pourpouse is the development of illustrations and patterns for different surfaces and according to different materials such as: fabrics, plastic, paper, cardboard, etc. The target market is mainly the textile area, clothing and interior design.

Usando uma combinação de técnicas digitais e pintadas à mão (aquarela, guache, acrílico e pintura digital), os designs atendem às necessidades de diferentes clientes e se adaptam às tendências do mercado global. Também oferecemos a opção de comprar estampas de nosso catálogo em plataformas de parceiros, disponíveis em diferentes licenças.
Using a combination of hand-painted and digital techniques (watercolor, gouache, acrylic and digital painting), the designs correspond the needs of diferents customers and adapting to the global market trends. We also offer the option of purchasing prints from our catalog on partner platforms, available in different licenses.
Using a combination of hand-painted and digital techniques (watercolor, gouache, acrylic and digital painting), the designs correspond the needs of diferents customers and adapting to the global market trends. We also offer the option of purchasing prints from our catalog on partner platforms, available in different licenses.

Também trabalhamos no posicionamento da marca junto ao público-alvo, desenvolvendo estampas de acordo com a identidade da marca. Nossos serviços incluem a criação de elementos por meio de técnicas manuais ou digitais, recoloração da estampa com cores diferentes da versão original, entre outros serviços.
We also work on positioning the brand among the target audience, developing prints in accordance with the brand's identity. Our services include creation of elements using manual or digital techniques, recoloring the print with different colors from the original version and other services.
We also work on positioning the brand among the target audience, developing prints in accordance with the brand's identity. Our services include creation of elements using manual or digital techniques, recoloring the print with different colors from the original version and other services.

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