Elements hand-drawn in digital painting with a charcoal texture brush and finalized in Adobe Photoshop.
Fauna and flora mix in this composition of branches, flowers, mushrooms, including the tree frog, one of the most common and endangered amphibian species in the Araucaria forests in the south of the country.
Fauna and flora mix in this composition of branches, flowers, mushrooms, including the tree frog, one of the most common and endangered amphibian species in the Araucaria forests in the south of the country.
Pattern desenvolvido em pintura digital.
Padronagem finalizada em Adobe Photoshop com rapport de 64x64cm em 300dpi.
Digital painting pattern design.
The pattern was completed in Adobe Photoshop using a 25x25" pattern tile (rapport) at 300dpi.
Padronagem finalizada em Adobe Photoshop com rapport de 64x64cm em 300dpi.
Digital painting pattern design.
The pattern was completed in Adobe Photoshop using a 25x25" pattern tile (rapport) at 300dpi.

Imagem da exposição abaixo / Exhibition image below
5ª Edição da Mostra Internacional de Arte Tocada & Arte que Toca - Ruínas de Santa Tereza - RJ
5th Edition of the International Exhibition of Touched Art & Art that Touch - Ruins of Santa Tereza - RJ - Brazil 2023
5ª Edição da Mostra Internacional de Arte Tocada & Arte que Toca - Ruínas de Santa Tereza - RJ
5th Edition of the International Exhibition of Touched Art & Art that Touch - Ruins of Santa Tereza - RJ - Brazil 2023